In 2021, Lockland Schools partnered with the villages of Lockland, Arlington Heights, and Cincinnati Bell. More than 50 PantherPrideFi free public Wi-Fi hotspots were deployed in the area. The results have been overwhelming with more than 600 local students taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi.
Thanks to the funding from Hamilton County and the State of Ohio, Lockland is able to add 60 more free Wi-Fi hotspots in 2022! Cincinnati Bell will be installing a network of small discreet wireless hotspots (pictured) at evenly distributed spots throughout Lockland and Arlington Heights to provide coverage for neighborhoods in the business district. Your property may be a perfect location to host an access point. The hotspot needs to plug into power but otherwise, it is totally free! In return, you could take advantage of the high-speed Internet access it provides.
If you are interested or have questions, reach out to Cincinnati Bell’s Smart City Operations Manager, Chris Smith at, or call at 513–397–1862.